
What our clients have said about our work.

Sachin Ramchand

I distinctly remember the moment when I decided that I wanted to start the immigration process; it was 2017 and I was hiking up to Castle Gorge in Magaliesberg and a friend of mine turned to me upon the summit and said "so what's the next big step?". I told her about 'a hope of a dream' to move to Australia and experience the great outback, and she mentioned that she saw a visa advisory service on Facebook. Naturally I thought that I should be able to attempt the visa process myself, but I am so glad that I approached Tracey's team instead. The process is COMPLEX! What was utterly terrifying was knowing that any mistakes made would set back the process months, cost thousands of rands and jeopardize the application.    

The AMS team was a dream to work with, the initial meeting to discuss if my application would be viable was vitally important. From that point on they gave me very clear instructions and processed all the admin with zero error. The team was brilliant in keeping me updated and responding to every question. They explained every step and put me at ease when I was stressed out. 

Apply Now

So that we may assess your eligibility for a Business Innovation and Investment Visa, please complete the following Assessment Form.

So that we may assess your eligibility for a General Skilled Migration, please complete the following Assessment Form.

Speak to our Consultants

Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Michelle Oztas: +27 11 783 9440

Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Tracey Lawrence: +27 82 419 3696

Registered Migration Agent No. 9803463

Contact Details

Tel: +27 11 783 9440

Australian Mobile: +61 404 371 683

The Business Exchange
4th Floor, 96 Rivonia Road
South Africa, 2057

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